SMS Error Code List

Error Code Description
2 The message is permanently failed due to CallBarred, Error in Destination Number, faciity not supported etc.
4 Failed Due to number in DND.
5 Number is present in the blacklist database due TRAI violation and multiple complaints received for the same.
31 Absent subscriber due to phone being switched off,due to phone out of coverage,due to roaming restriction restricted area.
36 User Busy during the time of message delivery.
37 Message queue exceeded when there are too many messages for one number. SMSC can deliver only a particular number of messages to a mobile number. If there are more messages, they get this error code till the queue clears. When the customer messages memory is full then the messages gets failed with this error.
99 These are promotional messages submitted between 9PM and 9AM which are not processed on request.
301 Content_Type_Length_Parts_Failure
302 Content_Not_Supported
303 Content_Blocked_Operator_Failure
304 Header_Blocked_Operator_Failure
305 Invalid_Destination
306 Facility_Not_Supported
307 Service_Barred
506 Messages failed on DND numbers
507 Either the message template is not whitelisted or there is a mismatch in template
508 Senderid is not whitelisted in account
516 Mobile number is present in Optout list
517 Filtered in duplicate
518 Global senderid blocked
519 The number has been blocked at operator end due TRAI violation and multiple complaints received for the same.
524 Messages has been submitted between 9PM to 10 AM (promo time)
526 Message filtered in spam
527 Account Suspended
528 Account Deactivated
531 International invalid mobile length
536 Senderid Pattern Failed
539 When wrong unicode values has been used.
543 More than 100 requests per single number within 5 min, message will start to reject
547 Rate not sufficient
553 Gateway message filtered
560 Invalid entity id
561 invalid template id
600 Entity not registered on the DLT
601 No entry of entity on the platform
602 Entity is inactive on the platform
603 Entity is blacklisted on all Platforms
604 Received wrong Entity ID format or no entity ID tag
610 Telemarketer not registered on the DLT
611 Telemarketer is inactive on the platform, ex:
612 Telemarketer is blacklisted on all Platforms
620 No record found with header (case sensitive) as primary key; Sender id not registered on the DLT
621 Header is inactive on the platform,
622 Header is blacklisted on all Platforms
623 Principle Entity ID is not matched with Header ID
630 No record found with template ID as primary key/no template found
631 Template is inactive on the platform,
632 Template is blacklisted on all Platforms
633 Template content not matched for given Template ID
634 Header is not registered for the template
635 Variable length exceeded the max configured length
636 Error in Identifying the Template
637 Received wrong template ID format or no Template ID tag
640 Preference not matched
641 Permanent Header suspended due to unverified by PE.
642 DLT VIL Failure
650 Blocked in preferences with MSISDN as PK; Consent not matched
660 General error code for Consent; DLT system failure
670 General error code in case of any exceptions
690 Suspect inappropriate Content
700 No CTA whitelisted
701 URL CTA not matched with whitelisted data
702 Email CTA not matched with whitelisted data
703 phone number not matched with whitelisted data
888 Retry
999 The messages are permanently failed.
5201 If Header not active
5202 If Header is Blacklisted.
5203 If Header not found/registered
5205 Entity ID not matched with XML
5206 Alpha header not allowed in Promo route
5302 Content ID Blacklisted
5303 Content with Unknown Header
5305 Content Type Mismatched
5306 Content ID not Active
5307 Content not matched
5308 Content ID Blank
5310 Content Multipart not complete
5311 Content Inactive
5312 Variable Exceeded Error
5502 Consent Expired
5503 Consent not given
7001 Entity is inactive
7002 Entity is blacklist
7003 Entity not in DB
32/120 Message rejected because the MS doesn't have enough memory.
33/130 Message rejected due to network failure.
34/ 140 Message rejected due to network or protocol failure.
35/150 Message rejected due to network or protocol failure.
36/160 The message is rejected because of congestion encountered at the visited MSC.
4106/5101-5108 Message blocked by DLT Scrubbing
4107/4001/5000/5001 Timeout while performing DLT Scrubbing
4108/5201-5205 Blocked by DLT because Sender didn’t pass Scrubbing
5301-5307/5401-5407 Content Template is not Matching/Register
5301-5406 Template Error
605-609 Reserved for Entity
613-619 Reserved for Telemarketer
624-629 Reserved for header
638-649 Reserved for Template
651-659 Reserved for Preference
661-669 Reserved for Consent
671-699 Reserved for Scrubbing
7001/7002/7003 Entity not Matching
EXPIRED SMS not delivered after retry period for reasons like Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off etc.
EXPIRED 160 The message is rejected because of congestion encountered at the visited MSC at first attempt.
EXPIRED001 SMS not delivered after retry period for reasons like Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off etc.
EXPIRED005 SMS not delivered after retry period for reasons like Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off etc.
EXPIRED034 SMS not delivered after retry period for reasons like Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off etc.
EXPIRED040 SMS not delivered after retry period for reasons like Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off etc.
EXPIRED041 Protocol Error in equipment
EXPIRED065 Absent subscriber Purged
PeID_Abs P.E DLT ID not updated.(Ask them to mail DLT certificate and update in their account)
REJECTD5109 Blocked pref ctgr matches with concent ctgr in case of Promotional
REJECTD5213 SU: Header Suspended Due to Usage
REJECTD5214 SV: Header Suspended Due to Validity
REJECTD5215 SC: Customer-Initiated Header Suspension
REJECTD5313 SU: Template Suspended Due to Usage
REJECTD5314 SV: Template Suspended Due to Validity
REJECTD5315 SC: Customer-Initiated Template Suspension
REJECTD611 Invalid entity id provided/Invalid Header id for this Entity
REJECTD612 Invalid CLI
REJECTD613 Invalid Template id
REJECTD614 The template does not match with CLI
REJECTD615 Template or header Invalid
REJECTD616 Invalid category provided
REJECTD625 Permanent Suspended due to non-Usage
REJECTD626 Temporary Header suspended due to validity
REJECTD627 Suspended by PE
REJECTD635 Template variable exceed max legnth
REJECTD638 Template usage
REJECTD639 Template Un-verified
REJECTD640 Template Suspended by Customer
REJECTD641 (Permanent Header suspended due to un-verified by PE
REJECTD650 Message could not be sent due to preferences set by the subscriber. This is a valid DLT rejection as per TRAIguideline. SMS would not be sent to subscriber. DND preference Set
REJECTD666 SMS Content mismatch
REJECTD677 Invalid Telemarketer ID
REJECTD678 Telemarketer ID does not exist/Inactive
REJECTD680 Telemarketer ID blacklisted
REJECTD683 SMS Type of header does not match Template
REJECTD687 SMS Type is not matched with header/Template SMS Type
REJECTD801 Entity is blacklisted
REJECTD802 EntityID Inactive/Not registered with Airtel
REJECTD803 Header is blacklisted
REJECTD804 Header Inactive/Not registered with Airtel
REJECTD805 Template_id Inactive/Blacklisted with Airtel
SUBMIT SMS Submitted From BS SMS Server, but SM Delivered Response not received from an CDMA Operator (in case of CDMA Handset)/Handset(in Case of GSM Handset).
TemplateId_ABS DLT Template Id not passed
UNDELIV011 Occurs due to Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off.,Temporary error at opposite end operator,Mobile No. not proper.,Unknown subscriber,
UNDELIV013 Network related Issue
UNDELIV021 Error code “Facility not supported” is either related to unavailability of services for MSISDN at HLR end or validity/recharge related issue on same MSISDN at that particular moment.
Undeliverd060 Absent subscriber
Undeliverd061 Absent subscriber Detached
Undeliverd062 Absent subscriber Page Fail
Undeliverd064 Absent subscriber Deregistered
Undeliverd160 MAP-P No response from the peer
Undeliverd180 MAP-Open Remote node not reachable
UNDELVRD Occurs due to Subscriber handset memory full,Subscriber handset switched off.,Temporary error at opposite end operator,Mobile No. not proper.,Unknown subscriber,