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Alt text Works wonder for your Business!! HTTP API Specifications:

  • Users, who wish to send message-using HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) features or develops applications using the Gateway for sending SMS messages. Gateway can be accessed through HTTP protocol by submitting values by GET or POST method.

Sample URL to Submit SMS:, 91XXXXXXXXXX&Text=MessageText&TemplateID= &ScheduleAt=25/03/2009+04%3A00+PM

Sample URL to Check Account Balance:

2.1 HTTP Parameters for SMS Submission:

  • ID - Set Account UserID.
  • Pwd - Set account Password.
  • PhNo - Comma delimited list of phone numbers (Limit to max 100 Nos. per http invoke.) All numbers must start with Country Code (91 for India) - Message may not get delivered if Country Code is not added to numbers submitted to this HTTP API.
  • Text - Actual Message text. Length of single SMS is 160 characters. GSM handsets provides capability to receive long SMS (multi-segment) with each segment being 152 characters and SMS gets reassembled and displayed as single SMS by receiving GSM handset. If SMS contains single Unicode character, complete SMS would be sent as Unicode SMS with 70 chars as single SMS size and 64 chars as segment size in case of multi segment Unicode SMS..
  • ScheduleAt (Optional) - Future Schedule Date and Time (Max 365 days in future). If included, SMS would be scheduled for delivery at a later date time indicated by this parameter. Format: “DD/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt”
  • SenderID (Optional) - By default, SenderID parameter disabled for all clients. Based on the business agreements with client, this feature can be enabled so that client can set their own SenderID for message delivery.8 Char alphanumeric SenderID (3 Char routing information would be prefixed to this)..
  • DlrUrl (Optional) - Set DlrUrl parameter to get back delivery status on HTTP. DlrUrl should also have MsgID set to ID of sms in your system. When Server received delivery report from operator, DlrUrl would be invoked by server by adding status parameter to same DlrUrl (which you have provided along with MsgID at the time of sms submission.) Use only one mobile number in HTTP API Invocation for Dlr over HTTP to work properly.

    Example DlrUrl value:
   <# ID of this sms in your system #>
    Example HTTP-Request (from your server):

    Note: For this to work you must have webpage highlighted in gray above in place. This page will read parameters ‘msgid’ and ‘status’ and update in your database.

    Example HTTP Invocation of DlrUrl form Server:
  • SMSType (Optional) 0: Normal (Default, if this parameter not specified)
    1: Flash SMS
    3: WAP SI – Text format same as in Web appl.
    4: VCard – Text format same as in web appl.
    6: Picture SMS – (Registered PictureID):MessageText.

  • PE (Optional) Principal Entity ID as per Registration of Message sending entities enterprise on telecom operators DLT portal. If user has updated PE ID in his profile and this param is absent in http API, PE ID would be picked up from user’s profile.

  • TemplateID SMS Template DLT ID as registered under registered header on telecom operator’s DLT Platform.

  • TM (Optional) Telemarketer’s ID. By default CISPL’s TM ID would be added. It’s recommended not to provide this parameter without consultation with Team.

* Passing only ‘ID’ and ‘Pwd’ parameters will return your Ac Balance.
* Numbers would be paged if ‘Text’ parameter is absent or blank.
* SenderID or SenderNo would be taken from your account Details.

2.2 HTTP Response.

Contains String Interpretation
‘UserID, Password is required.’ ‘ID’ and / or ‘Pwd’ parameters are blank.
‘Authentication Failed.’ UserID or Password is incorrect.
‘Your Account is not active’ Account is deactivated.
‘Message Submitted’ Message to Phone number(s) submitted successfully.
‘Insufficient Credit.’ Your account does not have sufficient balance to submit SMS batch.